10 Things You Should Know About the Lifting of Hands in Worship

10 Things You Should Know About the Lifting of Hands in Worship

Lifting of hands is part of worship in many churches. Worship involves our bodies as well as our hearts and minds. Our posture tells a story. It makes a statement to God and to others about the state of our souls and the affections and passions of our heart. If you were to visit a church during worship session, you would immediately recognize that we […]

Nine Reasons People Aren’t Singing in Worship

Nine Reasons People Aren’t Singing in Worship

Worship leaders around the world are sadly changing their church’s worship (often unintentionally) into a spectator event, as evidenced by the lack of worship singing. But before discussing our present situation, let’s look back into history. Prior to the Reformation, worship was largely done for the people. The music was performed by professional musicians and sung in an unfamiliar language (Latin). The Reformation gave worship […]